



ashley terry

I became an esthetician in 2015, not just to make people look good, but to help them FEEL good. I know first hand how acne and other skin concerns can affect our confidence and how we feel about ourselves. Too often it can become a viscous cycle of break outs, stressing out, and repeat.

I discovered my passion for green beauty and holistic health practices through my own health and skincare journey. I learned that an organic, clean, whole-food diet was the best way to heal my body and function optimally and that being addicted to the hustle was just as hard on me as nutrient deficiencies and gut imbalance (often exacerbating those!). This sparked me to expand my training so that I could guide others to true healing as well.

In addition to my esthetics training, I am a Certified Nutritional Aesthetics Practitioner, Functional Nutrition Coach and have received certifications in Manual Lymphatic Drainage through the Vodder School and advanced Gua Sha training through the Green Beauty Academy. I am deeply interested in the intricate functions of the body, identifying root cause, and using food as medicine as well as lifestyle support. I am an Ambassador for Naturally Nourished and regularly receive functional nutrition training from Registered Dieticians Ali Miller and Becki Yoo.

After my son was born in 2018 I began playing around with formulating products for my skincare clients. I had tried to find a line for them that was simple but effective with whole food-like ingredients, that weren't astronomically expensive. I couldn't find what I was looking for so I decided to make my own. What started off as three humble products has now grown into more than a dozen. In addition to my handmade products I have also curated several other skin, body, home, and wellness products to support and nourish your wellness journey.

I love to learn about all things health related and have become an advocate for true informed consent regarding all things. I stand and fight for truth. That means I stand for you and your wellbeing. Too often women go to the doctor or dermatologist only to leave with a prescription and no investigation into the root cause. Then they feel defeated and frustrated because their concerns keep coming back. I am so thankful for the role I get to have in the lives of my clients, guiding them on their unique path to optimal wellness and healthy skin, watching them learn to love themselves more and give themselves grace in the process.

So, if you want simple attainable ways to:

  • Learn how to be in control of your skin

  • Calm digestive distress

  • Clear the brain fog

  • Improve your quality of sleep (even with a baby)

  • Optimize your pregnancy & postpartum

  • And just feel amazing in your body

Then schedule a free discovery session by clicking the button below

xo - ashley