Why Grace?

A little bit about why I chose the name Grace Holistic Skin…

grace (noun): a merciful or compassionate nature; an act of kindness, courtesy or clemency; an exemption.

Grace is a word that has come up for me over and over again, spiritually and personally. When I started on this journey of running my own business, holistic wellness, and the act of balancing the two, I didn’t always feel as if I “deserved it”. I struggled with “why would people want to come to me? I used to live off of candy, cheese burgers, alcohol, and partying until the sun came up - do people think I’m a fraud?” At times the fear was overwhelming. When I finally relaxed into grace, I had peace. I was able to breathe and know that I am worthy of this path. With that I’ve been able to truly grow and flourish.

As I have become a mom, giving myself grace has had a whole new meaning. Juggling the should's and wants of motherhood while keeping up with the house and bills, being a good wife, running a business, oh yeah and not forgetting about self-care and friendships. I cannot do it all - and I had to learn to accept that. I had to remind myself that no one was expecting me to do it all and if I didn’t take care of myself the rest would fall apart. My point here is, we are allowed to be gentle with ourselves. We are allowed to feel. We are allowed to rest. We are allowed to choose grace when it comes to ourselves.

My goal is to provide a space for you to feel what you need to feel, to rest, to give yourself grace, and allow yourself to be taken care of. I know that when we do these things we feel better, we sleep better, we can function better, we are healthier, and as an extra bonus our skin looks better.

When you work with me, I teach you ways to give yourself grace and ways to show yourself love and appreciation. I teach you these things so that when you feel like your day is unraveling or you're being hard on yourself for whatever reason, you can give yourself some grace- kindness you deserve.

If this is something I can help you with, schedule a call with me and we can see if we’d be a good fit.